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为满足以新技术、新业态、新产业、新模式为主要特点的新经济发展需求,开展多学科交叉的创新型人才培养势在必行。基于新工科建设理念和BIM技术发展,对国内外BIM技术和BIM专业人才培养现状进行了对比分析,总结出我国高校BIM人才培养中存在的系列问题,并对高校土建类多学科协同BIM人才培养与实践进行探讨,通过分析BIM教学课程体系、师资力量、应用环境、实践教学等方面存在的问题,提出调整BIM人才培养方向,完善BIM人才培养方案,搭建产学研一体化BIM平台,优化人才引进和培养机制,提高师资力量,增加专业资源投入,优化BIM应用环境,建立人才培养综合能力评价考核体系,推动教学方法创新,深化校企合作等建议,为新形势下高校培养新型BIM应用人才提供思路。  相似文献   
每当先进的发展制度开始取代落后的发展制度时,整个世界格局就会进入重大的转换阶段。在中国五千年的发展历史中,有两次重大的历史变局完全改变了中国历史发展轨迹并深远地影响了当前中国的发展模式。新时代下的中国作为前两次历史变局影响的客体,曾经既是先进发展制度取代落后发展制度的受益者,也经历过作为落后发展制度主体而被先进发展制度冲击的过程。目前世界正处于第三次先进发展制度与落后发展制度交替的历史变局阶段,作为第三次重大历史变局的主体,在三次千年历史变局叠加的背景下,能否有效地认识、适应并改造利用前两次历史变局的经验与教训,构建系统性、科学性、可行性、领先性的中国特色社会主义制度,将决定中国在本次历史变局中能否顺利成为先进发展制度的主体从而实现民族复兴。  相似文献   
The generalized half-normal (GHN) distribution and progressive type-II censoring are considered in this article for studying some statistical inferences of constant-stress accelerated life testing. The EM algorithm is considered to calculate the maximum likelihood estimates. Fisher information matrix is formed depending on the missing information law and it is utilized for structuring the asymptomatic confidence intervals. Further, interval estimation is discussed through bootstrap intervals. The Tierney and Kadane method, importance sampling procedure and Metropolis-Hastings algorithm are utilized to compute Bayesian estimates. Furthermore, predictive estimates for censored data and the related prediction intervals are obtained. We consider three optimality criteria to find out the optimal stress level. A real data set is used to illustrate the importance of GHN distribution as an alternative lifetime model for well-known distributions. Finally, a simulation study is provided with discussion.  相似文献   
农民研究包含了人类学关注的所有多样性和复杂性特征。 在资本主义全球化背景下,农民概念中的复杂性使得对其进行具体分类和厘清尤为必要。 文章通过对国外人类学农民概念及农民研究的梳理,呈现出人类学农民研究的三个重要阶段:对农民的定义经历了从模糊到清晰,从清晰到逐渐被消解,以及当下再小农化的历史进程。 总体而言,农民研究主要围绕文化和政治经济两个方向展开。20世纪以来,农民以不同的形式融入更广泛的社会组织中,农业正在以农民的方式日益重组。  相似文献   
Business Modelling has evolved as a key activity to reflect new business venture strategy by framing the way a firm will operate and how it will function in achieving its goals (e.g., profitability, growth, innovation, social impact). However, scholars and practitioners have criticized the adoption of a too static perspective in the design and use of conventional Business Model representations. Such a static perspective prevents nascent entrepreneurs experimenting with their Business Models and, as a result, identifying the most effective strategies, especially in terms of business sustainability and profitability. In this paper, we argue that combining conventional Business Model schemas with System Dynamics modelling results in a strategy design tool that may overcome several limitations related to a static view of Business Model representation. Mapping the different key elements underlying value creation processes into a system of causal interdependencies – through the use of simulation – allows strategy analysts and entrepreneurs to experiment and learn how the business reacts to strategic and organizational changes in terms of performance, innovation and value creation. As such, Dynamic Business Models provide useful insights to strategy formulation and business venturing by capturing how critical Business Model elements interact to produce enduring competitive advantages over time.  相似文献   
Participation in natural resources management is widely promoted in sub‐Saharan Africa, but faces mounting criticism from social science scholars who rarely engage with it in practice. We use the notion of room for manoeuvre to reflect on a multi‐level participatory approach designed to support the Burkinabè Integrated Water Resources Management policy and propose ways of engaging constructively with local users and policy‐makers. Within an “invited space” of participation, water users’ room for manoeuvre was enhanced through the acquisition of new knowledge on the legal Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) framework. This allowed them to interact with decision‐makers and to extend their networks. Power imbalances were discussed, but this did not lead to modifying existing power structures that hinge on broader societal dynamics.  相似文献   
采用文献计量学研究方法和主题内容分析法,回顾了2009至2018年我国幼儿教师职业道德研究的概貌,发现该领域文献研究的热点方向依次为:幼师师德失范与因应对策、幼师专业学生职业道德培养、幼师师德的规范建构与评价等。为进一步推动我国幼儿教师职业道德研究,关切该问题的学者可以形成研究共同体,从均衡研究维度着手,不断拓展研究视野的广度,并通过开展后续研究推进成果转化。  相似文献   
研究表明,德行领导作为家长式领导的核心维度,对员工行为有重要影响,但现有研究忽视了员工工作状态的重要作用。本文基于自我决定理论,以员工工作繁荣为中介,探讨德行领导对员工创新行为的影响,并从社会认同的情感视角出发,考察了情感承诺在上述关系间的调节作用。研究表明,德行领导对员工工作繁荣与创新行为均存在显著正向影响;员工工作繁荣对其创新行为存在显著正向影响;员工工作繁荣在德行领导与创新行为之间起部分中介作用;情感承诺调节了德行领导对员工创新行为的影响,情感承诺越高,德行领导对员工创新行为的影响越显著。  相似文献   
道德是上层建筑的意识形态,由社会经济关系决定,并反作用于社会经济关系。我国社会主义道德对社会主义建设和改革开放发挥巨大促进作用,是中华人民共和国前进的道德力量,在中国人民站起来到富起来再到强起来的征程中,起着精神引导作用。中国共产党历来重视思想道德建设,新中国成立之后,注重道德对社会主义建设的积极作用,坚持两个文明一起抓,法治与德治相结合,大力推进公民道德建设,发挥道德模范的示范作用,大力加强学校思想道德建设。70年来,特别是党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央采取各种措施大力加强思想道德建设,我国伦理学学科建设成果丰硕。这一系列的工作凝聚起强大的道德力量,使人民群众焕发出极大的爱国热情,华夏儿女同心同德,共圆中华民族复兴之梦。  相似文献   
大自然是色彩的宝库,是幼儿自然色彩教育的最好课堂。幼儿自然色彩教育的根本目的不是掌握色彩知识或技巧, 而是通过大自然丰富多彩的色彩美激发幼儿对自然美的敏感性、好奇心,培养幼儿的审美素质,萌发幼儿热爱自然的情感,培 养幼儿健全的生命意识。幼儿自然色彩教育应让幼儿面对活的、灵动的自然色彩,在自然情境中唤醒幼儿的色彩敏锐性,激 活幼儿对美的感受力,让幼儿在一花一草的色彩变化中体悟一种生命滋养另一种生命的神奇,感悟生命的真谛,从而学会感 恩自然。  相似文献   
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